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Doesn’t this look fun?! Only four more weeks until I’ll be swimming this race and hoping the sharks aren’t hungry that day. If any one else decides to swim this thing I don’t recommend you getting on YouTube and watching all the videos of shark sightings at this beach. That really was not such a good idea. (I have an over active imagination to begin with.) There are quite a few people swimming this thing so, statistically speaking, if someone gets nibbled, it won’t be me. I also decided it wouldn’t be worth it to go all the way to Hawaii for just one day. My practical side kicked and and I will be enjoying a full week in paradise.

I’ve eaten mostly raw so far this month (Rawgust) and woke up this morning weighing 147 pounds. Going all raw the rest of the month so I will be swimming fast and will most likely be a smaller, sleeker piece of shark bait by September.