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Day Three:  3/16/11
     That is the question. I’m still on very shaky ground here with the raw-vegan detox diet while living in the real world plan. Tonight is the Relief Society birthday dinner complete with lavender-frosted cupcakes. At one time I thought I’d take the noble high ground and skip the dinner. (Flee from situations that will detract me from my goal). But I love Relief Society dinners.  A nice dinner I didn’t have to prepare plus conversation with people I actually like plus no dishes afterwards equals DONE DEAL-I’m there! Wow, that sounds really selfish when I write it down. (I do bring specified side dishes when asked and I’m always willing to help with the dishes if necessary. If absolutely necessary. Paper plates exist for a reason ya know).
     Then I remembered a conversation I had with Carrie Gammons about my fears on driving in Hong Kong. We were in her car, zipping around the Hong Kong traffic at the time, when she bestowed upon me her wisdom. “I just think of it as a challenge.” Challenge as in a good, game-like, sign-me-up FUN word, not a euphemism for “this really sucks.”
     Wow. What would our lives be like if we looked at every situation as a fun challenge. Don’t we all spend time and money seeking out challenges like running a 5K, racking up points in an electronic game or sneaking a cupcake without the scale noticing? Evidently mass numbers enjoy the challenge of building things in Farmtown or becoming an olympic athlete in Wii Sports. There are lots of challenges I really enjoy. What would my life be like if I welcomed EVERY challenge life gave me instead of only the ones I sign up for? 
     I will attend the dinner. I will most likely eat a salad before I go. I will enjoy myself, I will take this bull by the horns and meet this challenge with grace and a rumbling stomach. Hopefully the drooling will be kept to a minimum. And I may just bring a cupcake home for the kids without eating it on the way. 
     Let the games begin.
     I woke up weighing 149 pounds. Hooray! It’s nice to be back in the 140s. This is what I ate today:
9:00 half a scoop of raw protein powder with coconut almond milk and a banana
10:30 more of the same shake
12:30 a big taco salad with spicy walnuts, avocado, greens, carrots, nut cheese and fresh salsa (see picture below). I threw in some fresh sliced okra thinking I’d try a new veggie today. It was a little slimy and gross so I ended up picking them out. 
2:00 raw granola made from sprouted buckwheat and almonds and lots of other grains and seeds with 1/2 cup of plain greek yogurt. (Not raw yogurt but it hit the spot.)

7:00 two plates of salad. I passed on the pasta but it looked really good.

     No hiking today. I got in the pool and swam for 45 minutes but took it easy. Detoxing can be a little taxing. 
     BTW, I had a great time at the Relief Society dinner. I brought cupcakes home safely, with no BLTs!  (BLT is Linda Snow’s inventive term for Bites, Licks and Tastes. Hi Linda! I miss you.) 
     Overall, a game well played.