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After one week at the Optimum Health Institute I got home with the best intentions. I slid down the slippery slope and ended up in a rebound love affair with sugar. Within a week I had gained back all but one of the nine pounds I’d lost. That is a long, hard week’s worth of work down the drain. But then again, maybe not. I do feel better and it’s easier to “be good” after my initial rebound.
I got back on my feet and was able to stay away from the sugar. The week of wild abandon was not as satisfying as I thought and I really missed my veggies. So now I’m striking a nice balance of mostly whole, raw foods and some sweets for emotional fulfillment or social situations. After spending time at OHI I’m moving towards all raw and plan to get this 30-day raw food done by the end of July.  

One positive observation: plant power in the pool. I’ve started getting some swimming workouts in and trying to get in shape. I signed up for the Utah Summer Games Master’s swim meet. I didn’t want to participate because I’ve been mostly out of the water for the past few years. (It’s the old “I don’t want to get into a swim suit” excuse.) The last time I swam in this meet was 6 years ago and I weighed 30 pounds less than I do right now. I decided to swim anyway just to see where I’m at. I was surprised that I swam as fast as I did and I wasn’t that far off from my times six years and 30 pounds ago.  I actually ended up with two first places and two seconds places. Both of the first places were new records for my 45-49 year old age group. Go figure! My 50 Meter Freestyle time of 33.43 even qualified me to swim in the Master’s National meet in CA this August. I’m excited to swim because the last time I went to a National meet was in Mission Viejo in 1985. So as of now I am officially in training. No more sugar, no more junk. Raw food starts now. Lets see how far this plant power will take us!