It was a gorgeous day: perfect to have a triathlon adventure. The Kokopelli was held on September 12th, at Sand Hollow Reservoir in Hurricane, Utah. Which is right outside of St George. I had signed up two months earlier for the olympic distance. When I picked up my packet I thought back on my previous training (pretty much nonexistent) and switched to the sprint triathlon. I probably wouldn’t want to struggle through the longer one but I was pretty sure I could have some fun with the shorter one.

Hubby Brandon was there taking photos and got the start of the first wave.

Hubby has a nice camera. In fact, his lens is so impressive that athletes will often pose for him thinking he an official race photographer. This band of brothers competed together.

This is me, getting in the water for a little pre-race warm up. Water is my happy place.

Our neighbor, Rich Bruin, with the full sleeves. Rich won his age group and beat my swim time. I hope he enjoys that moment because it’s not going to happen again!

Getting ready to hop in for the start of my wave.

And we’re off! It was a 750 meter swim.

I don’t know who this inspirational duo is, but I would love to hear their story.

Out of the lake and heading toward the transition area. Although I know that wetsuits are helpful and that triathletes wear them whenever possible, I still believe REAL swimmers don’t wear wetsuits!

The 12.4 mile bike course went around the lake and had a few tough hills. But it was an out-and-back so I got to go down the hills as well.

Don’t you wish your girlfriend wore a hat like me?

I mostly jogged the 5K but had a few walking moments. (okay, more than a few.) I’m sure it would have been more comfortable if I was better prepared.
The Southern Utah Triathlon Club is a great group of athletes who love to race and also seem to love supporting each other when they’re not racing.
Even when injured.

The best part of the 5K was running past the water station manned by Southern Utah Triathlon Club members who had a good time dumping buckets of water on us as we passed. It sure cooled me down. Quite refreshing.

I ended up in third place in my age group with a time of one hour and 45 seconds. I may be 50 years old but it’s still fun to get a medal!

It’s a great way to spend a Saturday morning.