Taking a weight loss/body building “before picture” is really an exercise in optimism. No one would ever sign up for this exercise in humility unless they truly believed an “after picture” would soon follow. I am either really lacking in the self discipline department or I am a true optimist. I’ll go with answer B. I’m such an optimist that I have an entire collection of before pictures. In fact, if I ever approach Zoe carrying my camera and wearing a bathrobe (to hide the bathing suit until the last possible moment) she groans and gives words of encouragement along the lines of: “Not again!” and “I thought you said you would never take another before picture!” She’s right, I have said that to her. Many times. But I can usually talk her into “just one more”. If you are wondering why I don’t use an existing fat photo, I can explain. I have to keep starting over on my diet challenges and want to get a picture with an accurate date on it. This way people will actually believe I can make such drastic changes in such a short amount of time. That pesky optimist is on the loose again.
The first time you take a photo, have a seat before you look at it. I found that almost everyone has the ability to deceive themselves to some degree (I’m not fat I’m just cuddly/husky/big boned/muscular/etc) and reality hits hard. (The first time is the worst.) After studying your photo, dry your tears and remind yourself of how great you will feel with the after picture that is surely, just around the corner.
Wear clothes that show your excess. For women this would mean a sports bra and shorts or a good old fashion bikini. Don’t even consider a mu mu or a burqa. I once heard a suggestion that you carry a copy of your before picture to remind yourself to behave. I would not recommend this. It’s best to leave the picture in the safe deposit box or buried in the back yard next to Fido and Spot. If you carry one in your wallet you will always have to worry about what stranger will see this photo should you get into a car accident.
There are a few things that will get you a better before picture. Look a little depressed, slouch and relax those stomach muscles that are accustomed to being sucked in. Drink about a gallon of water, pull your hair back in an unflattering style and leave the makeup off. A big white belly is always a plus. The white part is important. The big part is essential. If you think about it, the worse you look, the better your before picture. This is really not a good area for over achievers. I wouldn’t recommend spending say, a month, preparing for the before picture. Just be grateful for your current girth and start there.
Tuesday 3-22-11 Day 9
BTW- I did take a brand new photo at the start of this 30-day raw food challenge. I’ll post it right next to the after picture…