Over the years I have adjusted and tweeked my morning, post-workout, breakfast/protein shake. This is the one that has proven to be a real winner with my body. It holds me over for hours, and makes me feel great. It did end up with quite a few ingredients so I tend to make a dozen individual serving bags at a time. I put them into the ziplock snack-sized bags or small mason jars. After my workout I will just grab a bag, throw it in the blender with coconut milk, vanilla, and ice-water and I’m good to go. And go and go and go. I swear this shake will give you super powers.

I like the ziplock baggies because I can give them to my kids in college. I may not be there with them but that doesn’t mean I can’t nourish them in my own small way.

img_1925I will put the bags into a baking pan and then fill them up assembly-style


Although this shake does require a blender, I have been know to take a few with me while on the road. I can add them to a store-bought almond/coconut milk, soak them over night in a cup or jar in the hotel fridge, then eat it more like oatmeal the next morning.



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Chocolate Power Shake
This is my go-to breakfast shake. I usually drink it after a morning workout and it holds me over until afternoon.
  1. Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender. Enjoy. Then go out and conquer the world!
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