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Race, Religion and Anakin

Race, Religion and Anakin

The Uber driver called himself Anakin. When we met at our pick up point I smiled and said, “Anakin, eh?” We both chuckled. I suspect he was relieved that I didn’t make the obvious Star Wars jokes. I find it best in general to avoid both the predictable and the...
Lucky to Be Alive

Lucky to Be Alive

  There’s nothing like a near-death experience to change your perspective on life. I had one right in the middle of my swim trek in Greece. (The Milos Explorer trip.) Before going, I knew that we would spend most of the day either on the boat or swimming in the...
Milos Explorer Swim Trek

Milos Explorer Swim Trek

After having gone on two swim treks, I must say they are my favorite vacations. To spend hours in the big, blue sea in as safe a manner as possible and still get wet, to experience new cultures, sights, smells and sounds, to taste the best food a passionate person has...