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Toning at the Optimum Health Institiute

Toning at the Optimum Health Institiute

  Vocal toning– an ancient vocal exercise that uses simple sounds to reestablish a natural flow of energy through your body. Use this simple, yet powerful technique for creating harmony from inside out to reach a meditative state. (From the class description at...
Walking Off a Craving

Walking Off a Craving

In my last post I mentioned how we got through juicing days with relative ease. When I reviewed what I wrote in my journal during that time I remembered struggling a bit one evening. I’m a little embarrassed to write so much of sugar cravings and my seemingly...
Juice Days at OHI

Juice Days at OHI

It’s Juice Days at OHI! Eight meals in a row of streamlined, refreshing, green goodness. We tried not to talk about how nice it would be to actually CHEW something. We were both amazed at how “not hungry” we were. The juice is so packed with...
Monday at The Optimum Health Institute

Monday at The Optimum Health Institute

Here I am getting ready to down my shot of wheat grass juice. I’m pretty excited about it. Here I am, licking the cinnamon off my hand in an attempt to cut the green taste. Monday 5/13/13 Down to business. Following the program takes organization and planning....
The Optimum Health Institute

The Optimum Health Institute

                              Mother’s Day 5/12/13 A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of visiting with my dear friend, Renee. (You can read her guest blog here.) I was feeling desperately helpless in the wake of her increasingly serious health issues. The world simply...